Friday, July 13, 2007

An article i wrote for has recently been put up on the site! See it at the link bellow.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Teen sl news has moved!

Katharine Berry kindly got hold of th domain, and is hosting it on her own sever. Katharine also helped set up the new blogging system it uses, wordpress. Shes now the Editor of the blog :D

So be sure to go and see sometime soon.

Friday, June 22, 2007

TSLN is now up and running

Visit it at

Me, Relk Akula and Diana Hooper have been working hard getting some articles ready for the site and making sure it runs properly.

Wheres the inworld version?

The inworld version is not ready yet, but should be in a fortnight. It will no longer be an inworld newspaper, but more of a magazine style format. It will also be available in notecard format for easier reading.

Can i comment?

Anyone can comment any article, with more or less anything they want. However, to avoid spam, personal attacks and other unwanted comments, comment moderation is on. All comments will be moderated within 24 hours of being posted.

Who do i contact with a question about the site?

Please direct all comments, job requests and possible complaints to

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Where are the joneses?

This is an interactive comedy which you can participate in. Watch the video and see how you can influence the story line.

Amazing project, funded by Ford (notice the car), and the first of its kind. A comedy where you write the story line, all under this creative commons license.


Teen SL News

By next friday i will of started the blog Teen SL news, which will be hosted by blogger for now. It will be free to read on the website, with an optional version in game that you can buy, which is still being designed.

I need writers. Although i will be writing most of the articles, residents will want to hear from lots of teens, not just me. Many jobs are available.

- The longer you've been a resident the better.
- Will be hiring almost every one who applies.
- You'll need an example of your writing or meet me for a short interview.
- You get paid per story, and will be told how much you will get paid after you contact me.
- A group will be set up for this.
- All credit given to who writes the article.
- IM me if your interested.

- Snapshots are needed, and paid for.
- Group will be set up for this.
- IM me if your interested.

As residents.
- Any resident can contact me with an interesting news story and get paid for it, this can be a one off.
- Any resident can send me a snapshot and get paid for it as a one off.
- Just IM me.

So please contact me in game as soon as possible, or email me at tecnotiger[AT]

Saturday, June 16, 2007

This is probably my last contribution to Second Life. I was in a Skype call earlier this evening, and I was reminded that I created some really useful textures. Ask around for "Dolus's Box of Textures That Are Interesting," and you can get them.

I'm done with Second Life. I find nothing to bring me back into it. As my friend Cirr put it, it's like a rotting fruit covered in sugar -- they just keep adding newer and newer stuff to it, but at its core, it's done.

Until Linden Lab can fix their problems, of which there are too many to list, listen to their userbase and follow what they ask, and stop adding new features, they will continue to lose their valuable users, and their current users will grow more and more disgusted with them.

Censorship is the first step to tyranny, they say. When I look at the blog and see the the vast majority of posts are about problems with the grid, and that all of the comments on them are locked, I have a serious issue.

Simply put, I'm disgusted with Linden Lab, and by extension, Second Life.

"Dolus's Box of Textures That Are Interesting" is what you want to ask for. You're not getting it from me. As of last month, the account Dolus Naumova is cancelled. I have no alts.

Good luck. And if it does get any better, the people whose opinions I trust will let me know.

Sad to see Dolus go... but ironically i have just come back to teen second life after a long absence due to finishing exams :) Hope not to much has changed.


Sunday, October 01, 2006

How does it work?!: Devil Duck automatically detects the sims water level, and then adjusts to it. Once it's rezzed, it will explain, in easy terms, how it's set up. The owner gets to decide where the duck swims, within a rectangle. Then it randomly swims

Sounds cool! Where can i get one?!: Just come down to Pinkwater(195, 169, 32) and buy one!

So how much does it cost?: Currently at the amazing price of... L$20!

Devil Ducks cool, are there going to be any others?!: Yes, a huge range of ducks are currently being designed, and should be released soon.

So i can start a collection?!: Yes, anyone to get the whole collection will recieve a special, secret, reward.

Please contact Tecno Tiger by IM, offline IM's accepted. Also you can email

Friday, September 22, 2006

Camp GK
Camp GK, for me, has finally come to an end officialy as i received my check and certificate through the post yesterday. I say it's the end, because that was the last camp GK related thing that needed to be done. I plan to use the money to go to a concert and get a new iPod. I'm not one for saving up :) The whole GK team know i'm happy to help out if they need it. I'm sure i'll do projects with them in the future :)