How does it work?!: Devil Duck automatically detects the sims water level, and then adjusts to it. Once it's rezzed, it will explain, in easy terms, how it's set up. The owner gets to decide where the duck swims, within a rectangle. Then it randomly swims
Sounds cool! Where can i get one?!: Just come down to Pinkwater(195, 169, 32) and buy one!
So how much does it cost?: Currently at the amazing price of... L$20!
Devil Ducks cool, are there going to be any others?!: Yes, a huge range of ducks are currently being designed, and should be released soon.
So i can start a collection?!: Yes, anyone to get the whole collection will recieve a special, secret, reward.
Please contact Tecno Tiger by IM, offline IM's accepted. Also you can email tecnotiger@hotmail.com
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