Friday, March 03, 2006

Global Kids Island.
Theres a new island in TSL. It's been designed by MG residents, and built by them, and is run by adults. The adults that log on to the teen grid have backgroud checks and there really nice people. They've started an essay competition, all you have to do is write a four page essay on digital media, and then you recive L$2500 for entering, and can win up to $200 if you win and have the best essay. I'm trying to get mine done for sunday, but i also have alot of maths revision to do before my test on monday :/ Another resident seems to have an issue with adults been on the teen gird, i don't see why. It's not like you don't interact with adults every day in the real world. say you want to buy a drink, you have to talk to an adult, give them money etc. Teachers are adults as well, i really don't see why he is so upset about this whole issue. Anyway, i have to go set up my Teengo event i'm holding in 40 mins, i'll post about the Teengo event later.


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