Sunday, April 30, 2006

Information On Recent Grid Attacks
Yesterdays grid attack is the third in two weeks now. People use the freedom that we are given to abuse SL. Most of the people who have done these things have had all there personal details handed over to the FBI for futher action, along with there perma-ban. A beachball, creator labled Phillip Linden (Which we all have in our inventory) had a simple self replicating script inside it. There is not much more information then this at the time, take a look at this announcment by Robin Linden;

There is another attack on the grid, necessitating that we shut it down to log-ins and clean things up. We anticipate this process will take a couple hours, and will post here when it opens up again.

I know this is totally frustrating -- for us too. We're working with the authorities to go after the people responsible for these attacks, as you know. When I have information to share I'll pass it on.

TG Once Again Mentioned In Second Opinion
The TG is mentioned again in the Second Opinion this month, check out the link! This time there talking about Tin Bling and Levi Willberg as they are the only island owners on the TG, and are making a profit off of them.

TecOS1 Release Delayed
Due to problems with my internet provider, i havn't managed to finish TecOS1. Alot of work has been done on it, and there isn't much left to do at all. A new deadline will be posted when one has been decided. There has been alot of intrest in this so far, and i'm sorry that i couldn't get it finished for 1st May. When it's done, it will be in my Oasis store and co-ordinates will be posted when that day comes. Until then, enjoy this new screenshot of TecOS1!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Mailing list starting! I'm starting a maling list, if you want to be on it, then e-mail Put 'add-to-mailing-list' in subject header. Your e-mail address will NOT be used for spam. You will recive one e-mail per week with interesting, up-todate news about the TG, MG and SL in genaral.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Dwell to go!
It was announced last year that Dwell awards were being scraped, and a date has now been set. On June 13th, dwell awards will be gone for good. For those who don't know, dwell is what SL landowners get for people being on there parcel of land. The land owners get payed a certain amount of L$ according to there parcels traffic rating around every midnight, in game time. Most mall owners are dreading this, as they have money chairs on there land, for people to camp in, making them money and putting them on the popular list, by the end of June, we will see which places are TRULY popular.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

TecOS1 development under way!
The latest project I'm working on, is an operating system within secondlife. I've tried to keep this project secret for a while now, but I thourght i'ld share it with my blog readers. It's basically a system, that you buy applications for separately. It has login accounts that you create and comes with an online banking program. So far, no applications have been made for it, but one application thats being deisgned is tTunes. Anyway, i've told you enough about it now, it will hopefully be finsihed by 1st of may.

Monday, April 10, 2006

The following quote made me think... Like most teens on SL, i want to become a Linden when i turn 18.

'Blue Linden: Jackson Widget: Are you willing to hire Lindens that are younger, such as 16 or so?
Philip Linden: It seems like a great idea.
Philip Linden: We are looking into an intern program or something that would be appropriately shorter term/summer/etc.
Philip Linden: And we have I think a couple test cases where we are doing some projects with teens.
Philip Linden: Definitely send us resumes and the like if you'd be interested...
Philip Linden: my email is, btw.
Philip Linden: feel free to send them to me as well.
Philip Linden: I'd love to have more interns in general, and you guys could be great.'

This is still a while away, so i decided to E-mail Phillip about this. For those who don't know, Phillip Linden is the CEO of Linden Labs, so basically 'God' of SecondLife... Currently i havn't had a reply, but it's understandable, he must recieve hundreds of E-mails everyday.