SL Residents Protesting Over New Regisitration Process
The Second Life Of Tecno Tiger
A blog about my SL avatar, Tecno Tiger.
Saturday, June 24, 2006

First article for TM2 published!
Now, to have my article published in the TM2 is amazing, but to then find out that it's on the front page, and also inside the MG's version of the M2 on page 3 is fantastic :D What makes it even better, is that it's also going to be posted on the official GK blog! Visit here to download the .pdf format newspaper and read my article :)
Sunday, June 18, 2006

Flexi Prims On Torley's Blog
On this post Torley mentions how many flexi prim ad's there are at the moment, and posts a snapshot i took of the first flexi prim ad on the TG. :)
Friday, June 16, 2006
Details About Camp Global Kids!
This post shares some details about Camp Global Kids.
If after reading this you still have questions, feel free to IM Tecno Tiger.
What's Camp Global Kids all about?
Global Kids, a New York City-based educational organization, will be hosting a free summer camp program within Teen Second Life. The program will involve exciting leadership-development activities and fun workshops focused on global issues.
The program will be run by Global Kids staff who have been trained in the fields of youth development, global education and digital media as well as by teens active in Global Kids leadership programs.
When is this happening?
The summer program will last for 4 weeks, July 10th - August 4th. Participants will be expected to join us Monday through Friday. Each day's session will last 3 hours a day, from 10 AM to 1 PM, Second Life time (PST). The time of day, however, is not set in stone, and may be modified prior to the start of the program with the agreement of the participants.
What is Camp GK?
Camp GK is a program for teens in the virtual world of Second Life who want to know more about what's going on the world. Through fun activities and workshops, this program will be a chance to learn about U.S. foreign policy, and what youth can do to make a difference. Teens who take part in Camp GK will select an issue, design a plan of action, and launch a project that will be carried out in the teen grid.
Who should apply?
Applicants need to have completed their freshman year of high school (or the home school equivalent). Teens living outside the United States are welcome to apply to Camp Global Kids.
Camp GK will be a lot of fun, but it will also include a lot of serious engagement with important global issues. Participants should be motivated and enthusiastic. You should be interested in learning about international affairs and thinking critically about the world we live in.
At Camp GK you will be encouraged to think freely and openly about all kinds of international issues and form your own opinions about these issues. You should apply if you are interested in taking part in lively discussion with a diverse group of individuals who offer a variety of perspectives. You must be able to work well with others, showing respect for people who come from different backgrounds and people who have opinions that differ from yours.
What kind of commitment does Global Kids expect from the participants of Camp GK?
Participants will be required to come to the program each day that it is in session, and give their full attention to Camp GK activities when they are there. Planned absences may be approved in advance.
Participants will also be expected to support an atmosphere of respect. This includes treating each other with respect and also showing respect for other people's opinions.
Global Kids will not tolerate disruptive behavior like PVPing, excessive gesturing, the use of unacceptable language or disrespect for other people in the program.
What can you expect from Global Kids?
In exchange for your participation, here is what you can expect to find at Camp GK:
> thoughtful adults skilled in working with teenagers, both online and offline.
> a place where each person's voice is heard.
> a safe space where individuals treat one another with respect.
> a chance to learn and have fun at the same time.
> the opportunity to learn about important issues, formulate your own opinion and learn how you can make a difference in the world.
> the chance to take on a leadership role in Teen Second Life, as the participants of Camp GK spearhead a project in the teen grid about an issue of their choosing.
There will be a stipend of $100 US for participants who complete the program.
How do I apply?
Complete all four parts of this online application. We highly recommend typing your responses to the essay questions first in a word processing program so they can be easily edited and reviewed. When complete, paste the text into this online application form.
Global Kids is committed to diversity and this issue will be taken into account in the application process.
The last day to submit applications is June 23rd, by 12 pm SLT.
Space is limited, so apply now!
To learn more about Global Kids go to
If your parent or guardian has any questions, please contact Please write "Camp Global Kids Question" in the subject line.
Psyched about this awesome project?! Can't wait to get involved?! Fill out the application!
The application can be found online at:
This site!
Please remember to put Tecno Tiger as the person who refereed you.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Allar Removed From MOD's
After a recent post in this thread Allar Kamloops has been removed from TSL Forum Moderator Group. Sorry Allar :/!
Posted by Blue Linden;
Allar has done a good job as a moderator, but in this case, crossed the line in implying a connection between two accounts. Because the resident moderator program operates with a zero tolerance policy, Allar is being removed from the program. I thank Allar for his enthusiasm and efforts in his time as moderator.
Current forum Mod's are bellow;
Tecno Tiger <---- Thats me!
Alpha Zaius <---- Cool guy!
Semaj Jarrico <--- Became MOD same time as me!
Thor Camus <---- Where have you been?!
Tin Bling <--- Island owner.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Making a song for Radio Linden
I'm currently trying my hand at making a song to be played on Radio Linden. If i manage to do this, I'll be the first TG resident to have music they've created played on Radio Linden!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Second Cast Episode With Barry Joseph!
Those who where at the DMEC Award Ceremony at GK Island have allready heard Barry speaking, but now you can listen to him talking about the GK organisation, and how it plays a part within Second Life. Download the 44 minute MP3 here.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Bored Of The Help Page Allready?
After reading this site on SLOG, and then being linked to this site i decided to share this exploit with my blog readers!
The new HTML help feature is our first glimpse of web browsing within Second Life. It is possible to change your home page on the browser to a site of your choice, instead of the help pages!
On the Windows version of Second Life, the file to edit is;
C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\SecondLife\user_settings\settings.ini
Then add the following line, putting a URL of your choice:
I recomend setting it to this URL;
This site has a text field where you can type in the site you want to go to, and then click home to go back to it.
- Tecno Tiger is not responsible for any damage/loss of data from edditing Second Life files on your computer.

HTML Help Now In Second Life
The new F1 help feature is our first glimpse of web-browsing within Second Life. The in-game help browser displays this site for all to see without residents having to use a web browser outside of Second Life. Hopefully we'll see more soon!