Saturday, July 01, 2006

300,000 Residents!

Ok, LL is starting to get what they want, allot of residents. The problem is that "304,160" is just a figure of accounts that have been made. With the new registration process, people can go crazy wih making alt accounts, as mentioned and demonstrated in a Second Cast episode. Some of these accounts aren't active, and LL can see which ones these are, but people can still log in to here account and then there alt so they appear as active on both and we still don't know how many people acctually play.

Another problem with the latest registration process is the fact that there is no authentication. These no point kidding our selevs,there are adults on the TG, and there are teens on the MG. The latest update, from what i hear, now has a device that sends LL a red flag if a computer logs into a TG and MG account. So they think they can catch people out this way? If there doing it by the computers MAC address, then the user can force there computer to use a fake one. If it's a pedo, they will only want to log on to the TG anyway, so this device won't work.

Lindens have enfourced the fact that grid hopping is a really bad thing to do, but now they've unlocked the door for anyone who wants to go in to the other grid. They need to do something to sort this out!


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